Osteopathy for babies and children
A birth is a special event for the family. However, not all births go as smoothly as the mother and the child would have wanted. Sometimes complications arise that affect the happy event.
The osteopath evaluates the head of the child / baby in each of the treatments, because the mobility of the bones of the skull and the circulation of the fluids show the state of health.
Since the head is exposed to large forces during pregnancy, and especially during childbirth, it is readily understood that in these processes there are risks to the mobility of the skull bones. By means of non-natural maneuvers that exert strong pressure, like for example forceps, vacuum, among others, the bones can be compressed and, as a result, a decrease in mobility may occur. These movements, although they are micro-movements, can be decisive on the pressure conditions of the skull and for the healthy development of the nervous system and the child in general.
Possible childbirth difficulties:
- Premature birth
- Interruption of the process (the baby is trapped in the maternal pelvis)
- Birth with forceps or vacuum
- Caesarean section
- Multiple births
- Size of the baby in relation to the mother's pelvis
From these situations during labor, some symptoms that indicate possible disorders in the child may be detected in the newborn. It should be noted, however, that not all situations named will necessarily lead to a disorder.
Possible newborn symptoms:
- Crying Baby
- Vomiting baby
- Striking form of the head (for example: asymmetrical and unequal)
- One eye smaller than the other
- One ear more detached or lower than the other
- Swallowing or breathing disorders
- Striking head or body posture
Many of the disorders will not be visible from the start, but may appear later in the process of physical, mental or emotional development of the child. Also school-age children and, of course, adults, may benefit from osteopathic treatment, even if the original disorder, occurred many years earlier, such as during pregnancy or birth.
Disorders that are evidenced later on:
- Concentration disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Recurring diseases of the ears, nose, or respiratory tract
- Spinal diversions (scoliosis)
- Digestive disorders
- Literacy Disorders
- Striking patterns of behavior, such as hyperactivity or phlegmatic temperament
In this way, osteopathy, with its gentle way of establishing a diagnosis and a treatment, can also treat those disorders that are the consequence of a difficult pregnancy or childbirth, and thus help positively in the development of the child.
The compensation mechanisms that the body has built to balance out these disorders will no longer be necessary, and the body will again have greater possibilities and energy for the deployment and development of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual forces.
Osteopathy can help in both healing and prevention.
"You get incredible results when you allow the child to develop his full potential. In a treatment I allow them to be all that they can be. They are the ones who perform the healing, I just open the door. "
- Dr. Viola Frymann D.O.