
Osteopathy Workshops

In addition to Osteopathy training, we offer the possibility of participating in the osteopathy workshops. These are offered apart from the training and participation is voluntary.

We offer the possibility to students to participate in workshops on special subjects, with teachers from abroad or with our own teachers. They are aimed at people who are not taking the Osteopathy training, and are open to anyone who wants to learn a way to treat holistically and respect the other in its entirety.

The knowledge obtained in each workshop can be applied to the daily work of each of the participants.

It is not necessary to have previous knowledge of anatomy and physiology to participate.

The workshops are composed of ten intense days of practice and theory in osteopathy, about the topics proposed for each day.

Scheduled dates for Osteopathy Workshops:

  • May 21 to 29,  2018: Upper limbs in its relation to the cervical spine and heart. Cranial-sacral
  • November 19 to 27, 2018: Thoracic cavity, lung and diaphragm. Cranial-sacral
  • Dates to be confirmed in 2019: Spine in relation to the skull and the visceral system
  • Dates to be confirmed in 2019:Lower limb in relation to the joints of the foot, the  knee and the viscera of the pelvis. Cranial-sacral
